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Final EIR Ready for Certification

The Final EIR will be considered for certification on February 26, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. during a BBARWA Regular Meeting at 121 Palomino Drive, Big Bear City, CA 92314.



A printed copy of the Final EIR and supporting documents are available at BBARWA’s offices.

Environmental Review Process

The next major step in the Replenish Big Bear Program is completing its environmental review. This process allows BBARWA, its Program Partners, and the public to explore and understand the Program’s potential impacts on the community and environment.


Steps in the Environmental Review Process


During the environmental review process, the Program Team prepared a Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR). Development of the PEIR included three phases and public involvement opportunities.

  1. Scoping Phase: Complete

    1. The first part of the environmental review process was the scoping phase, which was initiated by a Notice of Preparation that told public agencies and interested parties that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be prepared. Feedback was encouraged to help identify environmental issues and raise questions and concerns for further study in the EIR. Project alternatives, community impacts, and mitigation measures were also considered.

      1. ​​Scoping meetings were held on January 5th and 10th, 2023.

  2. Draft PEIR Released December 21, 2023

    1. ​​​The Draft PEIR was available for public review to allow community members, interested parties, and agencies the opportunity to provide feedback and comments. The Program Team reviewed comments, prepared responses, and revised the PEIR as needed.

  3. Final PEIR Certification: 2025

    1. ​​​The BBARWA Governing Board will review and consider certification of the Final PEIR during a board meeting which will be open to the public.

Environmental Documents

"Together, we will keep a valuable water resource in the Valley. The benefits of the Program will support recreation so our tourism economy can continue to thrive, improve the habitat for our area's fish and wildlife, and protect our essential water supplies for years to come."


- David Lawrence, BBARWA General Manager

Working today to secure water for a thriving Big Bear Valley tomorrow.
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